Christopher Ardant

Smoking and Skin
The Single Worst Thing You Can Do To Your Skin

Smoking cigarettes is terrible for you.
This should come as no surprise. The idea that smoking is terrible for your health is as old as the tobacco industry. But did you know smoking is the single worst thing you can do for the skin on your face and body?
Smoking strangles the capillaries that bring nutrients to the skin, impoverishing the cells. The result is dull skin — the skin looks, and nearly is, dead. This leather-like skin doesn’t react to treatments or heal after procedures. Scars are more visible.

And then there are the wrinkles.
Besides the tell-tale vertical wrinkles around the lips, and lines around the eyes from squinting from the smoke, there is an increase in wrinkles everywhere — the face, the knees, the belly. After age 50, if you have smoked, it’s going to show — there is no way to hide it.
If a smoker takes a good sauna and then is quickly wrapped in a white sheet and a wool blanket and is left to sweat the toxins out, the sheet would be permanently stained yellow. It’s the nicotine coming out of their skin. This is what happens to your skin — it’s being suffocated by the smoke and turning yellow.
Think about it this way — side effects from medication affect a small percentage of users, say maybe one- or two-in-10. For smokers, these effects are felt by all 10-in-10.
In fact, serious skincare professionals and cosmetic dermatologists will not take clients who are regular smokers. Regular smokers do not react to treatments and stimulation in the same way a non-smoker would. The results are never what can be accomplished with non-smokers. Furthermore, a respected plastic surgeon would never do a facelift on a smoker because the healing is not the same.
The blunt truth is this — each client is a walking billboard for their skincare professional. When your skin looks great, people ask, “What is your secret?” And they reply, “I’ve been going to a Christopher Ardant Center for this treatment and that treatment.” When it’s a smoker, their improvements are so small. It’s not the best representation of what we can accomplish. Personally, I’d rather work with a person who took lots of sun in the past than a smoker. We know we can help a person with sun damage.

But is there any light among this smoky reality? Possibly.
If you smoke just one cigarette a day, you will see some skin improvements with a cleverly designed, individualized cosmeceutical program. But if you want really great skin, there’s no smoking. It’s as simple as that.
Once you quit smoking, there are things that can be done. I treat ex-smokers aggressively for the maximum improvement.
I do lots of detoxifying treatments like “oxygen-ozone baths” and infrared sauna and herbal body wraps to get the toxins out of the skin. I work to stimulate the skin with modalities like micro-current radio frequency, cold lasers, massage and peptides. I would make sure you’re supplementing with the raw materials needed to boost collagen production. We work with exfoliations and a cornucopia of nutrients. We treat the surface with intense enzymes. And we work on the blood flow.
The circulation will come back with stimulating treatments.
As cells require lot of nutrients and oxygen to thrive, the stimulation of the blood flow that is our steady pillar is our three-hour proprietary “Remise en Forme Visage.” This special modality combines a gentle radio-frequency and a vitamin cocktail infused in the skin. The goal of this initial stimulation is to get nutrients to travel from the deep layers of the skin to the surface, nourishing and revitalizing at cellular level; a non-smoker always responds with a very healthy bright red micro-vascular profusion (a complex word that means a healthy version of an erythema, or a deep red face).
Interestingly, with ex-smokers, using exactly the same protocols in the first two or three sessions will have almost no response.

We know that with ex-smokers, we have to be steady, dedicated and insist on more stimulating sessions. We firmly believe that the skin always desires to get better and it usually does. Ex-smokers’ skin will indeed always improve, but be aware their skin will never be perfect. But I’d take  imperfect, but healthier, skin over the alternative.
What does the Surgeon General say? “Quitting Smoking Now Greatly Reduces Serious Risks to Your Health.”
I say, quitting smoking now greatly increases your chances for healthy, glowing skin.

* from webmed; click here to see the full article.
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